New Finds
New Scroll Fragments:
Haaretz News - August 15, 2007
Questioning a scientist's true intentions ....(read more)
Late-Breaking news from IOSOT! New Genesis fragment!
(BLOG page of ChristianM. M. Brady) - July 17, 2007
New Genesis Text from the Judaean Desert ....(read more)
The Jerusalem Post - May 22, 2007
Rare scroll fragment to be unveiled ....(read more)
Haaretz News - May 10, 2007
Archaeologist: Antiquities Authority destroying Leviticus scroll ....(read more) April 20, 2007
Ministry says it has Dead Sea Scrolls fragment ....(read more)
Haaretz News-- April 19, 2007
" 'In three days, you shall live'" ....(read more)
Haaretz News- December 8, 2005
Police offer evidence to indict archaeology professor ....(read more)
Haaretz - November 13, 2005 - an article in Hebrew....(read more)
Yediot Haharonot - November 11, 2005 - an article in Hebrew....(read more)
Makor Rishon - November 11, 2005 - an article in Hebrew....(read more)
Haaretz News- November 2, 2005
Police arrest archaeologist suspected of ancient relic trade ....(read more)
Codex Biblical-Studies- November 2, 2005
Investigation Surrounding the Purchase of Leviticus Scroll ....(read more)
ABCNews Online - July 15, 2005
Fragments of a Biblical manuscript dating back to the last Jewish revolt against Roman rule in 135 AD Judaea, have been uncovered near the Dead Sea. ....(read more)
Ynet News - July 17, 2005
Two fragments of nearly 2,000-year-old Torah scroll found in Judean Desert; finding constitutes 15th scroll fragment found in area from period of Jewish "Bar Kochba" revolt against Romans ....(read more)
Haaretz - July 17, 2005 - an article in Hebrew....(read more)
Gabriel Stone July 9, 2008
Professor to release research on 'Messianic' tablet ....(read more)
Biblical Archaeology Review Magazine- July 8, 2008
A New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone? ....(read more)
MSNBC Cosmic Log blog- July 7, 2008
Time Magazine- July 7, 2008
Was Jesus' Resurrection a Sequel? ....(read more)
Haaretz News- July 7, 2008
Dead Sea tablet suggests Jewish resurrection imagery pre-dates Jesus ....(read more) (in Hebrew)
The New York Times- July 6, 2008
Ancient Tablet Ignites Debate on Messiah and Resurrection ....(read more)